Sports Optics – Image Stabilized Binoculars

One of the most exciting advancements in sports optics technology is the advent of image stabilization. Binoculars are designed to magnify an image, making it appear closer to the user. The higher the magnification, the closer the subject in the image will appear. However one of the downsides to higher magnification is the fact that the image will move and shake due to small movements in the person holding the binoculars.

The higher the magnification of the binoculars, the worse the shaking and movement is. Other factors can also add to the movement, such as vibration of an unsteady surface or even shaking due to excitement. Also as we age it becomes more difficult to hold binoculars steady, making image stabilization technologies that much more important.

Sports Optics – Image Stabilized Binoculars

It used to be that the only way to compensate for this shaking was to mount the binoculars on a tripod or other supporting structure. For most situations, carrying and setting up a tripod is inconvenient at best, impossible at worst. However, the latest image stabilization technologies now allow for steady images at high powers without the use of a tripod. Even better news is the fact that prices for image stabilized binoculars have dropped dramatically in the past few years, making them more affordable for the average person.

So how do image stabilized binoculars work? There are a variety of technologies on the market, yet most use gyroscopic detectors and motorized internal components that automatically compensate for vibration and small movements. One of the most popular lines of image stabilized binoculars is made by Canon. Canon uses what it known as a Vari-Angle Prism system along with gyroscopic sensors. While this may sound confusing, it basically means that the binoculars have internal sensors that detect movement, as well as moveable prisms that are controlled by the sensors.

Sports Optics – Image Stabilized Binoculars

When the sensors detect vibration, they send a signal to the prisms and the prisms shift the optics slightly to hold the image steady. This provides for steady images even at higher magnifications.

Canon makes a wide variety of image stabilized binoculars, from their compact 8×25 stabilized binoculars to their full size 18×50 high magnification binoculars. They also have a fully waterproof model that uses their highest quality optical glass. This 10x42L stabilized binocular is one of the best rated binoculars on the market today.

What are the best uses for image stabilized binoculars?

Boating is a very popular use, as the stabilizers help to compensate for the movement and vibration being on a boat causes. Stabilized binoculars are also popular for hunting, as they can allow for keeping safe distances from the target by using higher magnifications. They are also popular for sporting events, especially when you need to get up close to the action from a distance. Image stabilized binoculars are also excellent for target shooting, bird watching and even astronomy.

So if you are looking for a new pair of binoculars, take a close look at the latest image stabilized binoculars and let the newest technology take the shakes out of your viewing!

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